I have always sought to combine academic, archival and scholarly research with experimenting with different forms of writing and reaching out to different kinds of readers and audiences. Find below a list of select articles and book chapters.

  1. Newly-commissioned ‘Schubert’ Entry, Grove-Music Online, in progress
  2. Newly-commissioned ‘Goethe’ Entry, Grove-Music Online, in progress
  3. ‘Schubert’s Family’ for Schubert in Context ed. Christopher Gibbs (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming)
  4. ‘Literary Activity and Interests in Schubert’s Vienna’ for Schubert in Context ed. Christopher Gibbs (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming)
  5. ‘Ethical Preoccupations when Writing Biographies of Goethe, Schubert and Seóirse’, The Oxford Handbook of Musical Biography and Life-Writing edited by Paul Watt and Christopher Wiley (Oxford University Press, forthcoming)
  6. ‘Fanny Hensel’s Literary Genius’ in Fanny Hensel in Context (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming)
  7. ‘The Gardens of Alcinous: Schubert’s Dream and Non-Dream’ in Ulrich J. Blomann, David B. Levy, Ralph P. Locke and Frieder Reininghaus (eds), Music, a Connected Art: A Festschrift for Juergen Thym on his Eightieth Birthday/Die Musik – eine Kunst der Verknüpfungen und Verbindungen. Festschrift Jürgen Thym (Baden-Baden: Valentin Koerner, 2023)
  8. ‘Wahrheit und Liebe: Beethoven, Schubert, Goethe’ in Glenn Stanley (ed): Beethoven in Context (Cambridge University Press, 2023)
  9. ‘Schubert and Improvisation’, Schubert and the Piano ed. Matthew Gardner and Christine Martin (Cambridge University Press, 2023)
  10. ‘The earth has music for those who listen’: Creativity in Music in Ireland’ First position paper on music published by the Royal Irish Academy (RIA, 2018). The paper was commissioned in response to the Creative Ireland Forum, a high-level, high ambition, all government five-year initiative that aims to place creativity at the centre of public policy. The paper was launched by the Minister for Education and responded to by Tania Banotti, Director of the Creative Ireland Forum [Available here]
  11. ‘Opera that Vanished: Goethe, Schubert and Claudine von Villa Bella’ in James William Sobaskie and Joe Davies, Drama in the Music of Franz Schubert (Suffolk: Boydell and Brewer, 2018), 11–34
  12. Liber Amoricum: Essays dedicated to Harry White on the occasion of his 60th birthday’ in Lorraine Byrne Bodley, Music Preferred: Essays in Musicology, Cultural History and Analysis in Honour of Harry White (Vienna: Hollitzer Verlag, 2018), 19–38
  13. Schubert Sacred Music: Influence, Anxiety, Myth’ in Harry White and Kerry Houston (eds) A Musical Offering: Festschrift for Gerard Gillen (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2017), 256–284
  14. ‘Rhapsody and Rebuke: Goethe’s Faust in Music’ in Lorraine Byrne Bodley, Music in Goethe’s Faust: Goethe’s Faust in Music, (Suffolk: Boydell and Brewer, 2017), i–xxv [Available here]
  15. ‘The Redress of Goethe’s Faust in Music History’ in Lorraine Byrne Bodley, Music in Goethe’s Faust: Goethe’s Faust in Music, (Suffolk: Boydell and Brewer, 2017), 1–25
  16. ‘In Pursuit of a Single Flame?: Schubert’s Settings of Goethe’s Lyrics’, in Lorraine Byrne Bodley and James Sobaskie, Guest Editors of Schubert Familiar and Unfamiliar: Continuing Conversations, Special Schubert Edition of Nineteenth Century Music Review 13/1 (Cambridge University Press, May 2016), 11–34
  17. ‘Schubert Familiar and Unfamiliar: Continuing Conversations’ (co-authored with James William Sobaskie in Lorraine Byrne Bodley and James William Sobaskie, Guest Editors of Special Schubert Edition of Nineteenth Century Music Review 13/1 (Cambridge University Press, May 2016), 3–9
  18. ‘Music of the Orphaned Self: Schubert and Concepts of Late Style’ in Lorraine Byrne Bodley and Julian Horton (eds), Schubert’s Late Music: History, Theory, Style (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016), 331–357
  19. ‘Schubert’s Late Style and Current Scholarship’ in Lorraine Byrne Bodley and Julian Horton (eds), Schubert’s Late Music: History, Theory, Style (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016), 1–16
  20. ‘Rethinking Schubert: Contexts and Controversies’ in Lorraine Byrne Bodley and Julian Horton (eds), Rethinking Schubert (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2016), 1–14
  21. ‘Challenging the Context: Reception and Transformation in Schubert’s “Der Musensohn”’ in Lorraine Byrne Bodley and Julian Horton (eds), Rethinking Schubert (Oxford University Press, 2016), 437–455
  22. ‘From Mythology to Social Politics: Goethe’s Proserpina with Music by Carl Eberwein’ in Katerina Levidou, Katy Romanou and George Vlastos, Musical Receptions of Greek Antiquity: From the Romantic Era to Modernism (Cambridge University Press, 2016), 35–67
  23. ‘A Place at the Edge: Reflections on Schubert’s Late Style’, Invited Article for Special Edition ‘Writing in extremis, Oxford German Studies 44/1 (2015), 18–29
  24. ‘Door into the Dark: Another Look at Franz Schubert’, German Quarterly 88/3 (2015), 379–383
  25. ‘Sound and Sense. A critical study of music and musical metaphor in the thought and writing of Goethe and his Age’, Goethe-Yearbook 22 (2015), 289–291
  26. ‘The Poetic Muse: Goethe, Schubert and the Art of Song’, The Schubert Project: Bringing Schubert’s Vienna to Oxford ed. Gavin Plumley (Oxford: Oxford Lieder Festival, 2014), 18–23
  27. ‘Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel’s Sonntagsmusiken: A Musical Salon? in Aisling Kenny and Susan Wollenberg, Women and the 19th Century Lied (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2015), 45–62
  28. ‘Tradition und Überschreitungen: Eberweins Vertonung von Goethes Proserpina’, Invited Article for Special Edition of Musiktheorie 29/4 (2014), guest edited by Cornelia Bartsch, 333–52 [Available here]
  29. ‘Musical Responses to Goethe’s Faust’ (co-authored with Florian Krobb) in Lorraine Byrne Bodley, Florian Krobb and Wolfgang Marx, Guest Editors of Special Edition on Goethe’s Faust, Publications of the English Goethe Society LXXXIII/2 (2014), 75–76
  30. ‘Wandermotive in Schuberts Goethe Liedern’, Schubert-Jahrbuch (2010-2013), 125–141 [Available here]
  31. ‘Crossing Thresholds: On Seoirse Bodley’s Goethe Settings’ in: A Community of the Imagination: Seóirse Bodley’s Goethe Settings ed. by Lorraine Byrne Bodley (Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2013) xv–lxvi
  32. ‘Mendelssohn as portrayed in the Goethe-Zelter Correspondence’, in: Nicole Grimes and Angela R. Mace (eds), Mendelssohn Perspectives (Surrey, UK and Burlington, USA: Ashgate, 2012), 281–299
  33. ‘Gesellschaftslied’ in Alex Preminger and T.V.F. Brogan et al, Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, revised edition, 2012)
  34. ‘In den Fußstapfen des Meisters – Carl Friedrich Zelter, Protégé von Carl Friedrich Christian Fasch’ in Barbara M. Reul, Fasch – Vater und Sohn (Beeskow: Ortus Musikverlag, 2011), 251–266
  35. ‘Die Ärgernisse des Musiktheaters: Anna Amalias Vertonung von Goethes Erwin und Elmire’ with parallel translation, ‘The Vexations of Music Theatre: Anna Amalia’s Setting of Goethe’s Erwin und Elmire, in: Peter Tregear, Anna Amalia/Goethe: Erwin und Elmire, full operatic score (Kassel: Furore Verlag, 2011), i–xxi [Available here]
  36. ‘An old man young or a young man old?’ On Goethe’s Friendship with Felix Mendelssohn’, in Ivano Cavallini and Harry White (eds) Musicology Sans Frontiers ed. (Zagreb: Muzikoloski Zbornici Br.13, 2010), 387–404.
  37. ‘Late Style and the Paradoxical Poetics of the Schubert-Berio Rendering’in Barbara Reul and Lorraine Byrne Bodley (eds), The Unknown Schubert (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008), 233–50 [Available here]
  38. ‘Schubert and Goethe: Claudine von Villa Bella. Conflict and Reconciliation’. in Barbara Reul and Lorraine Byrne Bodley (eds), The Unknown Schubert (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008), 119–36
  39. ‘A Tradition Redefined: Seóirse Bodley’s Song Cycles on the Poetry of Micheal O’Siadhail’ in Lorraine Byrne Bodley (ed.), Seóirse Bodley: A Hazardous Melody of Being: Seóirse Bodley’s Song Cycles on the Poems of Micheal O’Siadhail (Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2008). i–xxx
  40. ‘Anna Amalias Vertonung von Goethes Erwin und Elmire’ in: 1. Interdisziplinäres Anna Amalia & Goethe Symposium Tagungsband ed. by Prof. Dr. Ilse Nagelschmidt (Weimar: Denkena Verlag, 2007), 193–204
  41. ‘Proserpina: Goethe’s Melodrama with Music by Carl Eberwein’, in Lorraine Byrne Bodley (ed.), Proserpina: Goethe’s Melodrama with Music by Carl Eberwein (Dublin: Carysfort Press 2007), xxi–xlvi [Available here]
  42. ‘Micheal O’Siadhail: The Poetry of Musical Perception’, in Musics of Belonging: The Poetry of Micheal O’Siadhail (Dublin: Carysfort Press, December 2006), 93–109
  43. ‘A Musical Cornucopia: Thirty Years of Correspondence between Goethe and Zelter’, in: Publications of the English Goethe Society (London: PEGS, 2005), 3–24
  44. ‘Ancient Lights and Modern Vision. Seóirse Bodley’s Three Congregational Masses’ in: Lorraine Byrne (ed.), Seóirse Bodley: Three Congregational Masses (Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2005), xi–xviii
  45. ‘Perceptions of Goethe and Schubert’, in: Siobhán Donovan and Robin Elliot (eds)., Music and Literature in German Romanticism (Rochester, New York, Camden House: 2004), 59–74
  46. ‘Goethe and Zelter. An Exchange of Musical Letters’, in: Lorraine Byrne (ed), Goethe: Musical Poet, Musical Catalyst (Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2004), 41–65
  47. ‘Revisiting Claudine: Schubert’s Goethe Singspiel’, in: Lorraine Byrne and Dan Farrelly (eds.), Goethe and Schubert Across the Divide (Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2003), 161–192Series of three articles published in The Schubertian, Journal of the English Schubert Society:
  48. ‘Goethe’s Musicality Reconsidered’ (London: March 2000), 6–13
  49. ‘Schubert’s Goethe Lieder: A Reappraisal’ (London: July 2000), 6–15
  50. ‘Schubert’s setting of Goethe’s ‘Die Liebende schreibt’, (London: January 2001), 6–15
  51. ‘Schubert, Goethe and the Singspiel. An Elective Affinity’, PAGES, (Dublin 2000), 23–3